You are preparing a plan and developing policies, that's fine, but I want to talk to you about a specific situation.
I am from the Quebec region. In one neighbourhood there are what are commonly known as barracks. They have been empty for several years. Will a decision be made about that? Are you going to wait for an Auditor General's report before these properties are soundly managed?
The land and the barracks have some value, but astronomical sums were invested in the Valcartier military base to update cadet camps in order to house Syrian refugees. Do you know how many Syrians are currently housed in these barracks? Not a single one.
I have questions about how this money was spent. You said earlier that you are like a private landlord, but what measures do you intend to take to manage your housing portfolios properly? Today, I do not think they are being managed properly. I do not feel reassured about this.
Could you answer my question concerning the Valcartier base barracks that were upgraded? The barracks that are a few kilometres from those may be unusable, but if that is the case, let's demolish them and do something else with that land.