I'd be pleased to respond.
The main response we are making to the Auditor General's findings, which were very timely and relevant for us, is that we have developed an international network professional conduct standard. This standard has enabled us to consolidate in one place all of our guidance for international program managers. Through this international standard, we're putting in place a cycle whereby we will be regularly reporting and following up on all of the issues raised by the Auditor General.
We're also putting in place a monthly calendar for each head of these program offices, for specific issues to be addressed each month in all offices. We're reporting back to headquarters on those, and then rolling that up in a report at the end of the year so we can track the baseline data. We can track it across our missions and we can see where there are anomalies or potentially emerging issues. It's really consolidation and tracking on what we were already doing. I hope that responds to the main recommendation of the Auditor General in this regard.