We know data analytics are important because it's essential to identify where the anomalies are. When I was in banking, one of my old mentors used to tell me not to look for what appears to be good but to look for the error, for what is strange, for what jumps out at you. Don't try to see that everything's fine. If something jumps out at you, that's great. Do data analytics capture everything? I think we know that there are other methods of capturing inappropriate contracting—whistle-blowers, employees.
I was on that study for OGGO, and sometimes it's not like some horrible, fraudulent thing is happening and it's very obvious. Sometimes employees are observing something and they're just not sure about the right way to handle it—whether they should talk about what they see, who they can talk to. There's a legitimate fear of talking about something they see that's not quite kosher, because their own job could be on the line. That's why I like Mr. Shugart's reference to management by walking around, actually going and checking out that storage room and seeing what's in there and having your eyes on what the operations are. I guess I'm looking for those external measures.
Madam Lemay?