I don't want to be rude, and I'm sorry for interrupting, but I'm going to run out of time. I'm down to one minute.
What I wanted to say, Chair, is that it seems to me that going through the details of all the things that are wrong is like an exercise in futility. We know it's a mess.
I don't know that they're going to survive. We hope they do, if they're doing good work on behalf of the Canadian people. However, I'm almost inclined, Chair, to say that we almost need to give them a period of time to go back to find out whether we've even got an entity here that we're operating on. If they do have a plan going forward, then it makes sense to get into the details of the numerous issues that are raised here.
I'm just thinking that to go through it all now, they're either not going to be here in a short period of time or they're going to exist in a very different shape or come up with a different business plan. What I'm saying is that we will no longer be auditing apples, but we're going to be auditing oranges.
I'll just leave it with you, Chair, and colleagues, that maybe we need to leave a period of time to let them get their act together and come back to us with the entity that they think they can sustain, going forward. Then we'll talk to them about auditing that and commitments and recommendations, rather than doing it now, because they're in such flux.
I leave that with you, Chair. Thanks so much.