Thank you. Thank you to all.
I have one question on that. I asked our analyst to pull up the definition of segregation. I know what segregation means, but the official correctional services definition of segregation says it is “the separation of an inmate to prevent association with other inmates, when specific legal requirements are met, other than pursuant to a disciplinary decision”.
You make quite a finding. You found that CSC placed in segregation cells women offenders who were at risk of harming themselves or committing suicide, and then you make a statement that says it is not appropriate to keep women offenders with serious mental health issues in segregation cells. However, according to their definition, when specific legal requirements are met and if they're looking at suicide or hurting themselves, I guess I can understand why they may choose to protect those around them within the correctional system as well.
Then you say something that's quite problematic—not that you say it—which is that they do not get the clinical support.
I have no problem with protecting women or men from themselves or others by putting them in segregation, but why would that mean that they wouldn't get clinical support?