Right. Okay.
The summary of Phoenix testing reports, which was brought up earlier, states a bunch of major issues, pulling in the acting situation, which was one of the big problems of Phoenix. We knew about it on January 20. Also, it states that the input of late transactions will result in deductions, and that Phoenix will not pay supervising differentials is another problem that is identified. All of this is identified at the same time as Gartner identifies.... At the same time, on January 13, when there is the meeting with the CFOs and the head of HR, under Treasury Board, it states again, for Correctional Services.... We know that one of the problems with Phoenix is that it doesn't do shift work properly, so there's a 50% failure rate with Correctional Services, which does shift work. There are Coast Guard issues. We know the Coast Guard is a problem.
We have all the CFOs identifying the issue. We have the summary of Phoenix testing results saying that it's a mess, and we have Gartner. Again, Gartner is so simply laid out. It says, “Do not do it, the training is not done, and there are all these problems.” There's so much evidence saying that it's not ready, and don't do it, and it seems that everything was hidden from the minister. Why?