Okay. Hopefully we'll get a chance to get to some of the other stuff, but you get my drift.
I don't normally have a big problem with action plans, I have a huge problem. I have been to the National Defense University in the U.S. That's where I bought this; bought it, by the way.
In their action plan, Chair, they say, “We will conduct a review and analysis to confirm whether the cost per student of operating RMC is reasonable, compared to similar allied military institutions.” No. That is not the comparator. Take a look at what the purpose of the audit was. It wasn't to compare the professionalism coming out of RMC with other allies' results. That was not the study. The study was this, in the focus of the audit found on page 1: “This audit focused on whether the Royal Military College of Canada produced the quality of officers that the Canadian Armed Forces needed at a reasonable cost.” The comparator is other training costs in Canada, not other allied military institutions.
If need be, I want to have a major fight on that one, because that's not what this study is about, to compare one elite organization with another elite organization to see how well they're producing. It's an interesting concept, but that's not what this audit was about. This was about how much it costs us to put somebody through RMC versus other processes and about whether we're getting better officers or not. And we are not.