I would say it's the various levers these countries use to achieve gender equality. It's part of policies, programs, and legislation—for example, having child care; having parental leave that is for fathers only, daddy quotas as they call them; quotas for women on boards; women in senior executive positions in the private and public sector; or the wage gap. Those are the various factors that compose the index for gender equality. Then GBA is a tool.
We can look into what other kinds of tools they use. Do they use GBA or other ways of making sure their policies and programs take gender considerations into account?
We would be happy to provide that to the committee in terms of an international scan of where GBA is used by the top 10 countries. We can get back to you on that.
As I said, it's a tool to make sure you look at the impact on men and women, and make sure there are not barriers to full participation or they're left out.