Yes. We're looking at a strategy and also working with our partners. They know better than we do how to get to the people who need the information.
We are looking into a plan in the next few months to do a better job about communicating. We've already made improvements. Clients now can subscribe on our website to have all the client newsletters. For the information on the program itself, they have the same information as the dentists. The issue with that information is that sometimes it's very technical, so that's why we're trying to find new ways of explaining the services that they have the right to have, basically. This is all work that's being done.
We're also working with the Canadian Dental Association. Whenever we make changes now, they also publish them, sometimes on their website, and there are the other associations also, such as the Denturist Association of Canada and the Canadian Dental Hygienists. They're helping us by trying to spread the word throughout the providers, but also on the client side, because they also see the clients in their offices. There's a lot of work to be done, for sure.