We are a servant of many masters and mistresses, and of course we report to Parliament through Minister Joly. We have a very good relationship with our minister's office and with the portfolio affairs in our department.
They are all sympathetic to the fact that we operate differently from most crown corporations. All of our board meetings are held in public. I don't think there is another federal crown corporation or provincial crown corporation that I am aware of that has pretty much totally open public meetings. We only hold back commercially confidential information and cabinet confidences.
We also have the mayors of Ottawa and Gatineau sitting on our board now as ex-officio members, which has been a great advantage, in my opinion, to the governance of the commission. The chair should probably really respond to this, but we've been able to resolve many issues and get greater alignment for a region that hasn't always had as much alignment as it should.
The only thing I would say is that we're a very small commission compared now to these amalgamated cities that dwarf us in size, budget, and scope of responsibility. But aside from that I think our governance model has been working quite well.