I can't speak for my predecessors because I don't know what they may have said or not said in ministerial briefings, but I can say that I raised it as an issue in 2014. As I say, the comment that came back was that “you have substantial reserves and why are you not using them?”
In fact, many of the reserves were attributed. They were restricted funds, but that was the observation that was made, so the board—I think wisely—agreed to have a target to use these reserves for legacy projects for the 150th anniversary of Canada that also dealt with asset deficiencies. I think we did very well with that. I won't take the committee's time, Mr. Chair, with the details on what we achieved.
Those funds have now run through the system. At the same time, over the past three years, we've been developing our case, really, for the long-term recapitalization of the commission, and I think the government has listened to us.