First of all, as I mentioned off the bat, and you've mentioned, it's an organization with a vast portfolio and scope. I've actually been very impressed with the organization and the transformation that's been under way.
We refer to the modern NCC because, as you mentioned, we want to make sure that, as we go through all levels of the organizational excellence mandate, we're looking at how the organization can be more collaborative and continue to be collaborative with its stakeholders and its municipalities—and it is very collaborative; we've now got the two mayors on the board—increasing its level of transparency, openness, and engagement with a lot of public consultations and engagement, creating a level of inspiration and pride, which we talked about, not just for the citizens of the national capital region on both sides of the river but also for all Canadians.
Lastly, it's really about delivering some of these results, as you refer to, so we always have an eye on what the end result is, so the deep consultative process is very important to have, but process is a means to an end, where the end is defined and we never lose sight of that. I think those are some of the practices we're bringing into play.