In terms of the design, if you actually looked at it, if and when we have approval to build a facility at Chalk River, the average person wouldn't be able to tell the difference. The facilities are simply highly engineered and designed. They have multiple layers of material which prevents any radioactive material from getting into the environment. They also have a fairly complex water purification system which ensures any water that is collected while it's open is processed and the radioactivity is removed from that water before it's discharged into the environment. They are almost identical. The material being placed into the two facilities is somewhat different. There is a wider variety of materials that we find at Chalk River and there are different types of radioactivity that we will experience at Chalk River.
In the case of Port Hope and Port Granby—and I'm looking over to Kim—that material we're retrieving is generally kind of on the low end of low-level waste. It's kind of all the same, except for some of the things that were.... I mean, part of this is that we are going into a disposal facility and we are finding things that were not necessarily expected—chemicals, cylinders, and that type of thing—and we're dispositioning those.