Yes. Absolutely.
We can discuss this on Thursday, but we're trying to get a few people in here to give us the lay of the land in public accounts. Then we will continue to upgrade this agenda as we move forward.
We will, then, work on getting the Auditor General in on Thursday for our meeting, probably for an hour and a half. Then we'll also have half an hour to discuss the future business agenda. There are a number of things we need to do.
I just want to mention that there is an annual auditor generals conference every year around the country. Typically, that's about the only travel this committee does, and it's very beneficial. There are provincial members as well. It is from August 16 to 18.
I want to have a motion right now to look at going to the liaison committee to get funds for our committee to travel to it. Once again, it's a great experience—it's a learning experience—and I know that previous committees have done this. This year it's from August 16 to 18 in Victoria, B.C.
I'm going to ask the analysts and the clerk to come up with a budget for us that we can send over to liaison committee. Is that okay?