Every single one of our employees across the entire country is working remotely. We have four regional offices across the entire country, as well as individuals here in Ottawa, and everyone is working remotely. Luckily, we have VPN connections and great bandwidth in order for us to be able to do what we can do every day.
As you mentioned, at a previous meeting, Monsieur Ricard commented on a system that we had that uses F-function keys, very similar to a DOS system. I'm very happy to report that I think before the end of the month, we will have transitioned off of that system and will be in a different world. It doesn't mean that we've jumped over the incredible hurdle of all the IT work that we need to focus on, as well as other federal organizations. The pandemic is just making everyone more aware of our need and dependence on those very important tools to continue to deliver on our mandate and support your committee.