Personally, I think so, because there may be too many people involved right now. When you're not directly responsible, you're not responsible at all, if I can put it that way.
It would be nice if we could clearly identify the chain of command with respect to following up on recommendations. We cannot allow another tragedy like Lac-Mégantic to happen again. We cannot allow other tragedies. We must do everything we can to achieve zero risk, even though we know it is impossible. We all know that, Ms. Hogan.
As a result of these findings, which are still quite harsh with regard to Transport Canada, do you intend to follow up quickly on the recommendations made in this report—not a late follow-up as in the case of the 2013 report—to find out if any means have been implemented to verify that Transport Canada is following up on the recommendations and to see if they are having any direct consequences, whether negative or positive?