I call this meeting to order. Colleagues, welcome here today to meeting number 22 of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts. As the committee is meeting in public today to receive two separate briefings, there will be two one-hour panels. During the first hour, the Auditor General will provide us with a further briefing on the reports that were tabled in the House on Thursday, February 25. During the second hour, we will begin a study of the departmental plans for 2021-22 and the main estimates for 2021-22.
As you know, today's meeting is taking place in a hybrid format pursuant to the House order of January 25, and therefore members may attend in person in the room or remotely using the Zoom application.
I have a couple of reminders for members and our guests. For those participating virtually, interpretation services are available for this meeting. You have the choice at the bottom of your screen of either the floor, English or French. When speaking, please speak slowly and clearly, and unless there are exceptional circumstances, the use of headsets with a boom microphone is mandatory for everyone participating remotely. Should any technical challenges arise, please do advise me. Note that we may need to suspend for a few minutes as we do want to ensure that all members are able to participate fully.
I believe that we are all attending virtually, so I'd now like to welcome Karen Hogan, Auditor General. With her today are Dawn Campbell, Dusan Duvnjak, Philippe Le Goff, Carol McCalla, Nicholas Swales, and Glenn Wheeler, all of whom are principals
Joining her during the second hour, we'll have Andrew Hayes, deputy auditor general; Kimberly Leblanc, principal, human resources; and Helene Haddad, principal, financial management.
I know that Ms. Hogan does have some opening remarks, so I will turn it over to her for her remarks.