I think the one thing we need to keep in mind is that, as you say, a year has gone by, but we actually still don't have all of the information on whether somebody qualified or not.
For example, the rules included that in the previous tax year or in the 12 months preceding 2020, you had to have earned $5,000 or met the requirements. We are just now receiving people's tax declarations for 2020, so it's really that process that will identify for us how many people looked as though they didn't qualify based on 2019 tax data but, as it turned out, did, because something happened in 2020 that made them eligible.
That's what makes it difficult. What we are trying to do in terms of controlling fraud, in cases in which it looks as though there's something suspicious, is to lock accounts and prevent the money from going out, so we are taking actions along the way, but we're really going to get a big swath of information in the coming weeks that will help us determine what happened.