The agency is equipped and able to respond to the needs of the current pandemic. The next pandemic may take a different form, to be honest, and that's part of the planning and discussion we need to do as per the Auditor General's report.
I'll give you an example. We've been talking about quarantine. The Auditor General in her report pointed out that there was insufficient follow-up to make sure people were in quarantine. Since the time the Auditor General looked at it, which ended in June, we have hired four national security companies who now do that function with the Sûreté du Québec and the RCMP, or the local public health authorities.
Just for the record, we have done 179,953 door knocks following up on people in quarantine to make sure they are where they are supposed to be, so part of the problem with the Auditor General's report is that it was looking at a period where we were launching, building, and so on.
Madam Chair, we have built capacities that are enabling us to do the things we are trying to do now.
To the Auditor General's report, we have to continue to improve our planning ability with respect to your question about whether we are ready for the next one.