Again, I'll ask Ted to respond to that, but obviously employees in an enterprise change over time. Even if we had that information, how relevant it would be at that moment would be a consideration.
I think the point that Mr. Gallivan made is an important one. We've been focusing on the SINs, and that was a decision we made, but we had a bunch of other things that we talked about at the time. We have experienced auditors, as you point out—we've audited these businesses in the past—and they looked at the business and did what I would call a smell test. Does the payroll number match with what we know about the payroll? It's not as if there was nothing. We used the intelligence we had to do something, to do as much as we could up front without delaying the payments inordinately. We did make a calculation ourselves as to how many we could hold up for that more detailed manual review and how many we were comfortable letting through the system and would catch up on later.