I'm hoping that this amendment could get us back to the spirit of the committee, where we are trying to work together and certainly not trying to do things that are outside of our mandate. Within the amendment asking for all information, we won't we able to get all of the information that was used, because some of that was confidential, according to the rules of the Privy Council. In fact, I think that was the answer we were given by Mr. Sabia. He will share any information that is available to be shared. I think that was the spirit of the testimony we were also receiving from the Auditor General. She did do a review on all information and then prepared her audit based on the information that she had received.
I think this is a good motion to put forward just to try to get ourselves back on track as a committee, but I also think that while we were operating as a non-partisan committee, we were getting the information forward that was going to be available to us according to the rules of the Privy Council. This would just reinforce that, so I would support the amendment.