Thanks for the question, Madam Chair.
I have a couple of points to make here. Training for procurement officers is always evolving, so agile is the flavour of the day. We're updating our training. We've already started, but there is more to come on that front in terms of making sure that procurement officers are equipped to deal with this new approach.
What I'd highlight there is that this is not just a procurement methodology. It's a whole project management methodology and often involves more outcome-based projects, as opposed to our traditional IT procurements, which are very prescriptive in terms of what we're looking for. It does change the way we engage with industry. It does change the way we structure our requests for proposals, and it would change the way we evaluate those responses, so engagement is more important.
In our discussions with industry, everyone is using the word “agile”. There is a very helpful diagram in the chapter that lays out “agile” at a very high level. I think what we're finding as we discuss with industry is that once you get below, into the details, there are still evolving interpretations of or differences of opinion on what “agile” means. Working with industry to get a common understanding of just what “agile” looks like at a detailed level for each project is a key part of our outreach to industry, both at a theoretical level and also as we launch new procurement opportunities.