Thank you, Chair.
Good morning, everyone. It's been a busy morning, to say the least.
Auditor General, this report, which began, as you mentioned, not under your watch but under one of your predecessors, is very important. It's even more important when we think about the world we live in and have experienced since the start of the pandemic, which in my head I always date as March 15 of last year—of course, it's ingrained in many Canadians—because of what's happening towards digital adaptation and what consumers and individuals are doing.
I have a couple of questions. I'll try to pull up all the speeches that were provided today.
The first one is with regard to the Office of the Comptroller General. I know that not every MP references the Office of the Comptroller General every day, but I would like Mr. Huppé to expand on what he said about the office's area of responsibility in overseeing or in the “assurance government-wide for financial management, the management of our acquired services and assets, and internal audit”.
Just to clarify, does the responsibility of the asset come to you at the end, or do you have oversight during the process?