My apologies. I've switched my microphone, so we're all good now.
As Mr. Fergus said, you'd think that 15 months in, I'd be able to figure this out.
Thank you very much. As I was saying, digital transformation is one of the key elements going forward. It is something that is very under-reported but absolutely important, because whether in order to deliver clean water to indigenous peoples or to operate government efficiently, we need that digital transformation.
Here are my concerns, though, with respect to what we're seeing here, and I think the challenges are significant. Agile came about in 2001. Agile is fantastic at developing user-friendly software for relatively smaller projects. However, articles started to appear in 2018-19 and so forth saying that agile has its weaknesses. What do they point to as potential weaknesses for agile, where it doesn't work best? They go to big data, because big data requires enterprise systems, and so the iterative process makes it challenging.
What are the organizations they say agile is challenging for? It's where we have poor communication. Well, in the Auditor General's report at paragraph 1.28 it says that we have poor communication, and we've seen that between the different industries and our departments within government. With ESDC and CRA you couldn't even tell who was filing what when, and now we're going to have these iterative small projects that we can't even get the government to control.
Another part where they say agile does not work particularly well is that there is poor tracking. Paragraph 1.55 of the AG's report says that. I think we are going to see a car crash here in a big way that will make Phoenix look small because of what we're doing here, because agile is great in certain circumstances, but it doesn't fit particularly well here.
Please, someone on this committee, allay my fears that we're not going to waste billions of taxpayers' dollars by using a thought process for agile procurement and agile software development that is not a great fit here, and that no one can see that.