Thank you for the question.
I'll say a few words before turning the floor over to Ms. Poliquin.
I think that the need for engagement and consultation with key players is a very important lesson that we learned from the Phoenix project.
Recommendation 1.53 in this audit refers to this. The action plan states that the Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer is working closely with the key players to identify the needs and understand the capacity of the various systems currently under consideration. In addition, this initiative is being closely monitored by the deputy ministers core services committee, which Mr. Glover also just brought up.
We're making sure that we properly identify the needs. To that end, we're working closely with all the key players, including other organizations, other departments, unions and so on. We want to make sure that we understand the required processes and determine whether the systems can handle these different processes effectively.
Would you like to add anything to my response, Ms. Poliquin?