Thank you very much.
Through you, Madam Chair, to Mr. Gallivan, I'll go back to exhibit 3.1 in the Auditor General's report. It talks about “[p]hysical products imported into Canada after being purchased online”, and it talks about foreign companies that are “[n]on-registered” and a “non-resident vendor not carrying on business in Canada”, and says that, essentially, we collect that tax revenue, the goods and sales taxes, through the couriers.
My question to you was, do we do that because that might be the only efficient way to do so, if we can't basically volunteer how these companies register? That would be the first part of the question.
The second part would be, what is the percentage of those transactions that are coming into the country this way, these physical products where basically these companies have no association to the country and no other ability...? What percentage would that be? Do you have any idea?