I'm really pleased that the Auditor General has highlighted this and that you've responded as quickly as you have. Canada being a trading nation, our business was focusing on $50 shipments, even. They were sometimes very small items, but we would have a few hundred a day sometimes.
Thanks for the answer.
Paragraph 3.49 says:
Although the Agency contributed to the OECD guidelines on sales tax on electronic commerce, it did not have the legislative authority to implement these practices in Canada at the time of our audit. In our view, these practices would facilitate the collection of the GST/HST.
We have talked about legislative requirements and the authority that CBSA doesn't have in terms of legislative requirements. This committee isn't a policy development committee—and thanks, Madam Chair, for reminding us of that—but looking at the opportunities for improvement, could you say whether this impediment would stop you from continuing and whether we may need to recommend to our colleagues over at the finance committee to pick up on some of this?