Yes, we would definitely like that number, because the report points to it. You guys have acknowledged that changes are needed. We've had no assurances of when those changes are going to happen and we don't have any kind of sense of urgency on when this is going to happen.
Again, when we're seeing things such as, literally, every single site had issues but it's only a $5,000 deterrent for having contaminants in your product, what is the level of the sense of urgency to actually get some real, strong deterrents and actual teeth that are going to prevent bad actors from taking advantage of Canadians, who quite frankly are having negative experiences?
There are people who are taking products out that they're thinking are going to help them with cancer but in some cases aren't. What are you guys going to do and what is the level of urgency to make sure that we actually get real teeth to prevent these bad actors from taking advantage of vulnerable Canadians?