Thank you.
Ms. Hogan and your officials from the Office of the Auditor General, and Ms. Jeffrey and your officials from the Public Health Agency of Canada, thank you for your testimony today and for participating in this study. I appreciate your coming in on a week when the House is recessed and making yourselves available to the committee. The committee will be meeting again tomorrow.
I will address one issue. Parliament and committees can meet only so often during the course of the week because we allow virtual Parliament, which was a decision by Parliament. This allows members to Zoom in, like they did today, during recess weeks. It also means that my time is limited when Parliament sits, because I need to seek resources that often are not available, it seems, to opposition-led committees but often are to government-led committees. I'll leave it for others to decide why that is.
I chose to call the meeting today. I think it's been a productive meeting. Not only did we get through all our witnesses in the time we had. We also passed a motion that will feed into another joint study that this committee is looking at. We are meeting tomorrow. If members are concerned about not having enough meetings, I can schedule another one. I don't think that's necessary, though.
I will say that I often hear from members that this committee is doing both too little and too much: Go faster, but at the same time go slower.
On that, I adjourn the meeting. Thank you very much.