I think it's important to speak to the fact that we encourage small business to do business with the Government of Canada. What's important is that if a business is doing business with the government, it is operating ethically, operating in accordance with the rules and getting contracts in a fair, open and transparent way.
When we look at the history, the majority of contracts with this company were competitive. We need to look at the relationship that exists in a particular circumstance and what resulted in the awarding of various contracts, which the Auditor General and the procurement ombud have looked into.
Broadly, though, I would say it's important that the rules we have in place exist to ensure that the companies we do business with are good companies. The majority of them are good companies that are providing valuable services to government and to Canadians. It's also about ensuring that as part of that network of suppliers to the Government of Canada there are small and medium-sized businesses, minority-owned businesses and businesses from disadvantaged and equity-seeking groups that are able to participate in the government procurement process and able to manage that balance between a set of rules that does make it difficult and a process that allows and encourages the participation of small and medium-sized businesses. It's about making sure that if that balance is not right, we make efforts to correct that.