I want to start by saying that this is a recommendation that we also saw in OPO, the Office of the Procurement Ombud, in terms of the documentation on the PSPC side that we need to do better.
Dominic is going to talk to it in a moment, but I want to be unequivocal that this is about due diligence and ensuring that we have the right documents on file so that when the auditors come in, Parliament and Canadians can see that there's a clear thread in the decision-making.
We're really going to double down, going forward, on due diligence. You heard my colleague earlier talk about some of the measures we're taking to have greater price substantiation and cost control decisions and the functions that are being associated with the task authorizations meticulously recorded.
However, there is an additional wrap around that, which is the e-procurement system, taking what has traditionally been paper across the system and putting it into a procurement system that's online and digital, and that's going to give us a lot of different various elements, including security, audits and—