This is not a point of order, Ms. Khalid; this is a statement.
All committees are multipartisan. This is one that is also opposition-led. We had a subcommittee meeting on this, and I gave everyone what I thought to be suitable notice and I received no objections beforehand. I am now on the floor, which is disrupting the meeting. This is not a point of order, so I'm going to move on. You will be in a position to make a further statement when it is your time.
I will say that my email works even when I'm not in committee, and members are of course welcome to work either through me or through their representative on the subcommittee.
The idea, to Ms. Shanahan's point, that today's working calendar represents the first that any of you have heard of this is false. There was unofficial notice given a week ago as well as the official notification at the end of last week, and then yesterday as well.