Yes. Thank you.
I would distinguish between employees who have come forward to disclose that they have external employment and have received proper approval for that versus the ones who haven't. The cases the Auditor General was referring to were largely ones of people not disclosing that they had alternative employment.
In one case, we found that there was a employee who had other employment, and there was a problem because when we hired them, the process for “secret” clearance signalled that there was a problem. In another case, PSPC advised us that there was an ongoing investigation involving one of our employees in a number of other departments. A third case, which is currently being considered, is another case that was brought to our attention.
In terms of the contractors, one of them was identified in the PSPC disclosure about a month ago. There were three contractors working for a number of departments and agencies. The last case was one that we uncovered because we had identified signals that raised red flags.
In all of those cases, we took prompt and immediate action. We've undertaken investigations where appropriate. In the ones that have been completed, either those contractors don't work for us anymore or their employment has been terminated.