That's a question I have to admit that everyone sitting here, as members of senior management, thinks about and talks about often. I view the employment equity targets as just the minimum that we should meet. We are exceeding most of them, except for representation around indigenous individuals. However, that's our workforce as a whole.
When it comes to management, we are still struggling to meet employment equity targets. It's probably due mostly, in my view, to attrition. Our historical attrition rate has been about 10%. In the past few years, that has dropped to around 4%, and that is much higher in our working level than it is in our management. Management is even less than 4%.
That's an issue that I know we have to tackle in a real, concrete way in the coming months and years. We're very management-heavy. How can I increase diversity in that cadre if there is no turnover?
It's a challenge that we have to face coming forward, because we haven't met the equity targets that we've set for ourselves in management.