In 2020‑21, we had 129,000 foreign workers, and in 2021‑22, we had approximately 120,000. The number of employers across all sectors was 27,000 in 2020‑21 and around 24,000 in 2021‑22.
In the farming sector, we had 5,000 employers in 2020‑21, and the number was roughly the same in 2021‑22. As for agricultural temporary foreign workers, we had 77,000 in 2020‑21, which accounts for 59% of all foreign workers. In 2021‑22, we had about 70,000.
I'm looking for the figures for Quebec. I don't know the numbers for every province off the top of my head. I'm not sure whether anyone from my team is able to answer that right now.
No matter, we can get back to you with the information, and if we find it before the end of the meeting, we will let you know.