Of course, what's happening here in the Atlantic is that we're not a really big region, but ever since this whole thing came down in regard to how much money is coming down for even off-reserve housing and stuff, we're finding it more and more difficult to get suppliers to get material in, because everybody else is tapping into it; everybody else seems to be going for it. It's the same thing we're finding in regard to tradespeople, trying to get enough tradespeople to actually do the work.
Having said that, the cost over the past few years has substantially increased. As a result, of course, we're not getting as many houses built. Just as Chief Lance said, it's very difficult when you don't have enough dollars to build the units. It's just so expensive that the poor communities don't have that extra money. Some communities do okay—they have own-source revenues to do that—but a lot of them don't have that extra money, and just in terms of resources, getting the material and stuff has been quite difficult here.
Also, there's the timing involved in getting approvals. Again, we always seem to run into winter construction. If we could get the dollars earlier in the year, even committed a year before, to say, “Okay, come April 1, you guys are ready to go”.... It seems like we're always behind the eight ball in getting construction started.