To be honest with you, I've been working in housing for 38 years. Years ago, through Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, they used to have some training in building capacity within communities. I know Lance knows this as well. They used to have an inspection program whereby they would have native inspector services that Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation would sponsor. That has actually been taken away from us, which is unfortunate, because we were building the capacity of inspections and services within all our communities to ensure that houses are built to the national building code and taking into consideration how things have changed with climate change.
If anything, what has happened, taking away that whole inspection service and building that capacity...and CMHC doesn't even have the capacity. To be honest with you, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation was supposed to be the housing expert in Canada. As Lance has mentioned, with the budget that's coming out, there's no way you're ever going to meet the need. As a result, you have serious issues happening within the communities.
Having said that, for some reason, the government's not listening to us. It's very frustrating. We're getting houses built in some areas—maybe not necessarily to the building code—but we've lost a lot of expertise in the field of first nations. That's only because of some issue in regard to the federal government or Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation saying that it's a liability issue in regard to training the inspectors and having them do the inspections. Honestly, I just think we've gone backwards on that.
Right now, we're depending on municipal inspectors in a lot of our areas—