I have two answers for the committee on work that's been done most recently, and these are coming out of reviews by the Office of the Procurement Ombudsman, by our internal review services, and most recently by the Auditor General. We're working to strengthen our contract compliance framework.
To begin with, the best way to mitigate risk here is to plan well in advance and to ensure that we have the time to put the right processes and procedures in place, so there's a planning element to this.
Then there's sampling to make sure we're looking across the contracting that we're doing. The Department of National Defence, in any given fiscal year, issues in the order of 145,000 contracts, so there's a sampling approach to doing this. We have a way of looking at higher-risk contracts to ensure we're looking across the board, plus we do some random sampling, and then there's reporting and governance on the performance against those reviews, so that we're continuously learning.
We're strengthening that contract compliance framework and building out the team now, so that we can ensure, in light of what we've learned, that we're going to incorporate those lessons into our policies, our procedures and our training.