Thank you very much, Mr. Chair, and I'll attempt to be brief.
I agree with the motion. Before Ms. Daly leaves, however, I was wondering if you could pose a question on behalf of our committee for us to enhance this motion.
In the testimony that was presented today, several times Ms. Daly mentioned a very credible problem within the public service that I feel our committee could largely get answers to related to the TBIPS program, that verified list and whoever operates that list and how a two-person company in a basement like GC strategies could have even gotten onto a list of preferred contractors. Ms. Daly's testimony did highlight that as a credible issue related to the ongoing systemic corruption that does exist.
I'd like to see if we can get a friendly agreement by the mover to include—I'm not trying to exclude; I'm trying to include—another representative in the list of witnesses. If Ms. Daly has a recommendation as to who that person is or otherwise, I would just ask the clerk to include the highest-ranking public servant in the TBIPS program to also bear witness to our questions, if that's possible.
Mr. Chair, that's my first point—