Mr. Chair, yes, I personally read the recommendations of the report and the observations made, and the response that's been made as well by SDTC to the report.
Given the role that we're going to play in the future in this transition, all of those observations are very important. Obviously, the structure of the foundation itself, which was commented on in prior testimony here, doesn't apply in the case of the NRC, so there's a very strong distinction in what existed before and what will exist after the transition.
I think the most important area that I'd observe is just the need for ongoing vigilance and solid practice in conflict of interest, even if it's a matter of perception. You know, we have public servants who are professionals working full time for us, so they're pretty busy. Their job is not just to run the programs that are entrusted to their care, but also make sure that everyone understands that they maintain and conduct themselves in a way that people can't question. I think that's very important to us.