Thank you.
I will say this to the witness. If there are other documents you wish to table, with respect to either the department or the ministry, we will certainly accept them. I know there was a bit of back-and-forth there. Upon reflection, if you feel there are documents you have that you can share with us, I think the members from all sides would appreciate that.
Without further ado, we are out of time. I want to thank Witness 1 for participating today in the study of “Report 6: Sustainable Development Technology Canada”. I know you have agreed to table several documents. If you could do so through the clerk, we would appreciate it. Again, my offer stands that should you discover additional documents that you feel reinforce your testimony or any of the questions today, we will look forward to those.
We are out of time, so I will adjourn this meeting. We'll see you back here on Monday.
Thank you very much. Have a great weekend.