Do you mean recommendations as it pertains to the people there or recommendations as to the funding?
If they truly want to have any aspect of this survive to protect the companies that legitimately receive the funding, the government needs to do a better job providing public confidence that they're addressing the issues. My fears are that they're going to continue on the pathway they've been on and that they're going to continue to hide certain aspects of the situation. Once it moves over to NRC, there's a higher risk that something comes out, which would then permanently impact a federal department.
One of the reasons this transition is going to take a long time is that all of this wrongdoing and misconduct that's already been found is going to impact companies. I know there have been companies that have potentially gone bankrupt because of the situation. That is a huge legal liability that SDTC executives have created for the federal government.
As a taxpayer.... They should deal with that situation before it's brought into the federal government itself. The idea that they're bringing SDTC into NRC and then spinning it back out doesn't seem like a logical situation because that kind of seems abusive to employees. You are winding down an organization, setting it up on the inside and then spinning it back out over a three-year period. It kind of sounds like purgatory or something.