One of the things with this whole McCarthy Tétrault thing is that, as much as the committee member says that the report is legitimate, I think there's a lot of long-term anger among employees about how all of that turned out. With some of these implicated individuals below the executive level being moved into this organization, there's a lot of bad blood that's going to stay there. Again, there still hasn't been a reconciliation of the actual abuses that occurred. Therefore, until that happens, all that's going to happen is that the same people who were abusing on SDTC's side are now going to be at NRC, and now they have a bigger pool of employees to abuse or do bad things against.
Transparency seems to be an issue that can't be addressed by the current government. Again, I can give unlimited things that sound logical, but until the government proves that they're going to be transparent about what they're doing.... They haven't even given the RCGT report to the committee. They haven't even released it to the public. All of these things supposedly exonerate everyone and supposedly should give confidence. There's no proof of any confidence right now.
Again, we wouldn't be having this committee meeting if there was transparency to the situation.