I hope you listened to the recordings that were in those audio clips, because I think they would provide some context.
I mean, the whole SDTC situation is a conflict of interest, so why wouldn't ISED, which is implicated in its own mismanagement of SDTC, be conflicted in hiring a third party that is supposedly independent, but again, if they were actually independent, why would they have such long legal disclaimers that disclaim all responsibility against what their findings were? If the minister claims that all of these were independent and truly factual, why do all of the actual reports say that none of this is actually factual or legally binding or even meets a minimum threshold of any sort of professional, legal or accounting standards?
When you compare that to the Auditor General, there was no disclaimer. There was nothing there that would say, “Hey, we don't know what we're talking about and this is not legally binding or this doesn't meet a requirement on the professional standards.”
I would also mention that there are over 37 hours of recordings that we are fully willing to provide, which would clearly show how the situation actually evolved, versus how the public would know.