I appreciate that. There are a few things I want to get on the record, so I appreciate your doing that in the interests of time.
To the economic development agencies, in the interests of time, as opposed to asking all of you for a yes or no, I will put it the other way. Would anybody object to tabling with the committee the following: the number of cases you identified later, in any reviews or perhaps through the Auditor General, of any businesses that were ineligible or had ineligible expenses? Would you be willing to table with the committee the number of cases or recipients identified as not using the money appropriately or as ineligible?
Regarding the status of the remedy of that, are you looking to recoup that money, or are you just deeming that not an option at this time? What is your plan to do that?
If our committee were to ask for this in our report, would anybody object to regular intervals for those updates, so that perhaps every quarter or a couple of times a year you'd update those numbers on the number of cases and what those repayment statuses are? I'm not talking specific names per se, but the number of cases and what actions your agencies are taking to rectify that.
Would anybody have an issue with doing so? I don't see any objections. I appreciate that.
I will ask the same thing, perhaps, as well—