Before I begin my questions, I wanted to put a motion on notice that we can hopefully discuss in committee business today related to the recent correspondence from our anonymous witness on the SDTC study. It reads:
That given the committee received correspondence from the whistleblower who appeared before this committee on September 18th, 2024, as part of the committee’s study of the Auditor General’s report into Sustainable Development Technology Canada; given the whistleblower alludes to key evidence of a grave nature, that has yet to be presented to this committee; As part of its study into Sustainable Development Technology Canada, that the committee request the whistleblower send all evidence alluded to in their correspondence of September 23rd, 2024, within 14 business days of the adoption of this motion; that this include all records and evidence pertaining to their unfounded claims that the Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, manipulated the findings of the McCarthy Tétrault review into SDTC, which was mandated by and submitted to the Department of Justice, and; once the evidence has been provided to members in both official languages, that the committee hold no more than two in-camera meetings, to examine the evidence, at which time, it may decide to invite the whistleblower for further testimony at the committee.
I think it's important that we get this type of evidence. We've already heard from the whistle-blower, and I think it would benefit our committee to receive this evidence in both official languages. This motion is the best path forward, which will benefit our extended study.