We have presidents and we have deputy ministers who have deliberately lied and obstructed our ability to get to the truth, and then we have two individuals who called out the lies—Mr. MacDonald and Mr. Utano—immediately suspended without pay.
Now that's been resolved—the pay issue—but they're still suspended because of the use of counsel. Then we have Diane Daly, who, again, does not corroborate or put in those missing pieces of the evidence that she referred to. Lo and behold, a 20-year career is in shambles, and now she's suspended because she's not towing Justin Trudeau's line that no one higher up than these low individuals was responsible for choosing Kristian Firth and GC Strategies.
How many other individuals are going to face similar fates?
No wonder no one wants to talk about the practices at CBSA. We heard from the CBSA union president, who talked about a culture of corruption at the CBSA because people are afraid to talk and call out the abuses of integrity. That's a real problem with the public service, and everyone is trying to protect Minh Doan, who deleted four years' worth of emails, crucial emails, 20,000 emails.
Was he suspended? No, he was not. He is on a leave. Everyone is trying to protect him. This is a massive cover-up, and this is inexcusable. Canadians are watching, and you two individuals are part of the cover-up. Thank you.