The report definitely highlights the need for better contract management. It also highlights the need for better documentation of not just the procurement process but also the contract management phase of the procurement life cycle. In those specific areas, again, we've taken action. For example, my new team has already put in place new templates to support our clients to procure professional services, and new checklists as well were put in place to act upon those recommendations from both the Auditor General and the procurement ombud.
We've also strengthened our governance as a department, for example, with new government bodies within PSPC that have emerged at a high level to oversee procurement contracting. There's a new position for quality review as pertains to documentation. I know also that already many files that we were involved in were already reviewed by this new position for quality review and documentation within the procurement branch. If I'm not mistaken, 266 files already have been reviewed since April this year.