That's great.
I guess my last question in relation to the line of questioning that Mr. Cooper was going down is this. The Ethics Commissioner found two violations. One was in relation to this bundled decision of COVID payments. Obviously, it's a good thing that you and your colleagues are undertaking a project-by-project review to get to the bottom of things and make sure that all projects are eligible and no one is benefiting from funding simply because they have a stake in it, that it's based on proper eligibility and rigorous eligibility criteria. You've already made clear that there are independent reviews and everything else.
There is that one company that the former chair did have a stake in, but not as a sole owner. You have articulated that you have clear processes that you're following, and I appreciate all that, but it would be helpful if the board could submit in writing at some point the information, the process and ultimately the decision in relation to that project in particular. It's because that is, as far as the public is concerned, the funding decision that has generated a lot of attention. It's the funding decision that was central to the Ethics Commissioner's decision. Obviously, that Ethics Commissioner's report found it was the difference between an abstention and a recusal.
The Conservatives can cast this as.... Well, they have tried to cast this as a criminal matter in the most absurd terms. However, this is the difference between an abstention and a recusal, and it was wrong. It was wrong for the individual to not fully recuse themselves and to only abstain. That is the issue that has garnered the most attention. Therefore, some clarity on process going forward and providing updates to this committee on that particular issue would be great, so that we don't just have to beat the dead horse over and over again.
Mr. Chair, my last comment is simply this: When we have board members come to this committee and we're going to ask very similar questions because their objectives are the same, it would be helpful to not spend two hours individually with separate board members. It would be helpful to group witnesses together where it is reasonably possible.
Thanks so much.