I'll double-check and tell you what I have experienced. I will then turn to the clerk to ratify this approach.
In the past, the committee itself has adopted this approach. Committees, of course, are masters of their domain. We have both the privilege and the right, through unanimous consent—that would be all of us—to replace the motion. Mr. Perkins cannot just withdraw his motion. This is a way we found that expedites the process to undo what has been done and replace it with what Mr. Desjarlais is proposing here. I mentioned this to the clerk. I'm going to make sure that I am correct about that. This is meant to move us forward together.
Wait one second.
I'll answer Ms. Khalid.
Yes, with unanimous consent, without opposition, we can replace Mr. Perkins' motion with the motion Mr. Desjarlais put forward. Then we can speak to it as well.